[rules-users] Score curruption exception in drools-planner-5.4.0.CR1

Geoffrey De Smet ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com
Tue May 15 06:09:11 EDT 2012

- the equals/hashCode contract is followed (see Object#equals)
- even when considering that your output is suffering from 
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBRULES-3505 - it's unlogical that the 
rule behaves as it does

then it could be a "stateful memory corruption".
To prove that it is, first write a SimpleJavaScoreCalculator (see docs). 
That will be a lot slower, but it won't suffer from the issue.
Next, switch back and use this recipe to isolate that "stateful memory 
corruption" into a Drools Expert unit test, so we can fix it:
> here's how I usually isolate such a bug to a small reproducable unit test:
> - Turn on environmentMode TRACE so it crashes as fast as possible
> - Turn on TRACE logging.
> http://docs.jboss.org/drools/release/5.4.0.Beta1/drools-planner-docs/html_single/index.html#d0e2450
> So you see something like this:
> INFO  Solver started: time spend (0), score (-6), new best score (-6), random seed (0).
> TRACE         Ignoring not doable move (col0 at row0 =>  row0).
> TRACE         Move score (-4), accepted (true) for move (col0 at row0 =>  row1).
> TRACE         Move score (-4), accepted (true) for move (col0 at row0 =>  row2).
> TRACE         Move score (-4), accepted (true) for move (col0 at row0 =>  row3).
> ...
> TRACE         Move score (-3), accepted (true) for move (col1 at row0 =>  row3).
> ...
> TRACE         Move score (-3), accepted (true) for move (col2 at row0 =>  row3).
> ...
> TRACE         Move score (-4), accepted (true) for move (col3 at row0 =>  row3).
> DEBUG     Step index (0), time spend (6), score (-3), new best score (-3), accepted move size (12) for picked step (col1 at row0 =>  row3).
> ...
> DEBUG     Step index (1), time spend (10), score (-2), new best score (-2), accepted move size (12) for picked step (...).
> ...
> - If there's a construction heuristic that doesn't crash: remove it by:
> -- run only the construction heuristic config
> -- take the output solution as the new input solution
> -- remove the construction heuristic config
> - If it doesn't crash in step 0: remove non-crashing steps before it
> -- run it just before the step it crashes and take the output solution 
> as the input solution
> -- verify that it now crashes in step 0 (*)
> - If it doesn't crash in the first move: remove non-crashing move's 
> before it
> -- Open DefaultDecider.decideNextStep(LocalSearchStepScope) and add 
> moveIterator.next().
> For example, if move 6 crashes:
>     public void decideNextStep(LocalSearchStepScope 
> localSearchStepScope) {
>         WorkingMemory workingMemory = 
> localSearchStepScope.getWorkingMemory();
>         Iterator<Move> moveIterator = 
> selector.moveIterator(localSearchStepScope);
>         // BEGIN
>         moveIterator.next();
>         moveIterator.next();
>         moveIterator.next();
>         moveIterator.next();
>         moveIterator.next(); // 5 next()'s
>         // END
>         while (moveIterator.hasNext()) {
>             Move move = moveIterator.next();
>         ...
> -- verify that it now crashes in move 0 (*)
> (*) If it doesn't crash, that means that an earlier step or move 
> helped cause this issue.
> Remove as many steps and moves as you can.
> This means that the final unit test will have multiple fireAllRules():
>   ... do move 1 ...
>   ... fireAllRules
>   ... undo move 1 ...
>   (... fireAllRules)
>   ... do move 2 ...
>   ... fireAllRules
>   // Now the WM is corrupted
> - Now (and not sooner!), remove rules by commented out all the rules 
> in the DRL that doesn't stop the crashing
> - Remove all the problem facts and planning entities that doesn't stop 
> the crashing.
> - Now the problem should be small enough to rewrite it in a simple 
> unit test.

Op 15-05-12 06:39, Nurlan Rakhimzhanov schreef:
> On 15 May 2012 00:30, Christopher Dolan <christopher.dolan at avid.com 
> <mailto:christopher.dolan at avid.com>> wrote:
>     I may be way off track, but I saw score corruption like yours in
>     two cases:
>     1) broken .equals()/.hashCode() method.
>     I had a couple of model classes that accidentally looked at
>     mutable data in their .equals() and .hashCode() methods. When
>     these were applied as the cause of the constraint, the revert
>     action then failed to find the constraint because the removed
>     instance wasn't .equals() to the inserted instance. I solved this
>     by reverting to Object.equals() and Object.hashCode().
> I don't think that problem with .equals() or .hashCode() methods, 
> because I'm using <b>apache EqualsBuilder</b> and <b>apache 
> HashCodeBuilder</b>, this is 1st, and 2nd my each planning entity has 
> al least unique <b>id</b>.
>     2) broken variable assignment in aggregate predicates
>     (https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBRULES-3482)
>     This is fixed in 5.4.0.Final.
>     If your rules use collect() or accumulate() with a complicated
>     first argument to either, then Drools becomes confused about which
>     variable to assign the value to. In most cases, this results in a
>     ClassCastException. But in some cases where the facts happened to
>     be the same class, you ended up with the wrong fact assigned as
>     the cause of the constraint.
> yes, I'm using accumulate(), but not in this 
> rule(wxGroupChildClassesInSamePeriodWithDiffLessons) and I've switched 
> to 5.4.Final version, same problem....
>     -----Original Message-----
>     From: rules-users-bounces at lists.jboss.org
>     <mailto:rules-users-bounces at lists.jboss.org>
>     [mailto:rules-users-bounces at lists.jboss.org
>     <mailto:rules-users-bounces at lists.jboss.org>] On Behalf Of Nurlan
>     Sent: Friday, May 11, 2012 5:06 PM
>     To: rules-users at lists.jboss.org <mailto:rules-users at lists.jboss.org>
>     Subject: [rules-users] Score curruption exception in
>     drools-planner-5.4.0.CR1
>     Hi guys!
>     I have some exception and I don't know why?
>     My rule *someRuleId* has weight *1*
>     2012-05-12 03:47:08,224 [main] DEBUG     Step index (570), time spend
>     (115566), score (0hard/0soft), initialized planning entity
>     (SomePlanningEntity [id=21, …]).
>     2012-05-12 03:47:08,465 [main] DEBUG     Step index (571), time spend
>     (115807), score (0hard/0soft), initialized planning entity
>     (SomePlanningEntity [id=20, …]).
>     java.lang.IllegalStateException: Score corruption: the workingScore
>     (-4hard/0soft) is not the uncorruptedScore (0hard/0soft):
>      The workingMemory has 4 ConstraintOccurrence(s) in excess:
>        someRuleId/NEGATIVE_HARD:[SomePlanningEntity [id=2482309, …],
>     SomePlanningEntity [id=54, …]]=1
>        someRuleId/NEGATIVE_HARD:[SomePlanningEntity [id=2482309, …],
>     SomePlanningEntity [id=57, …]]=1
>        someRuleId/NEGATIVE_HARD:[SomePlanningEntity [id=57, …],
>     SomePlanningEntity [id=2482309, …]]=1
>        someRuleId/NEGATIVE_HARD:[SomePlanningEntity [id=54, …],
>     SomePlanningEntity [id=2482309, …]]=1
>      Check the score rules who created those ConstraintOccurrences.
>     Verify that
>     each ConstraintOccurrence's causes and weight is correct.
>            at
>     org.drools.planner.core.score.director.AbstractScoreDirector.assertWorkingScore(AbstractScoreDirector.java:101)
>            at
>     org.drools.planner.core.constructionheuristic.greedyFit.decider.DefaultGreedyDecider.doMove(DefaultGreedyDecider.java:111)
>            at
>     org.drools.planner.core.constructionheuristic.greedyFit.decider.DefaultGreedyDecider.decideNextStep(DefaultGreedyDecider.java:78)
>            at
>     org.drools.planner.core.constructionheuristic.greedyFit.DefaultGreedyFitSolverPhase.solve(DefaultGreedyFitSolverPhase.java:63)
>            at
>     org.drools.planner.core.solver.DefaultSolver.runSolverPhases(DefaultSolver.java:183)
>            at
>     org.drools.planner.core.solver.DefaultSolver.solve(DefaultSolver.java:151)
>     --
>     View this message in context:
>     http://drools.46999.n3.nabble.com/Score-curruption-exception-in-drools-planner-5-4-0-CR1-tp3981199.html
>     Sent from the Drools: User forum mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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> -- 
> Regards,
> Nurlan Rakhimzhanov
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With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

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