[rules-users] Drools 5.5.0.CR1 is using a broken cdi-api version

Cristiano Gavião cvgaviao at gmail.com
Wed Oct 31 19:54:48 EDT 2012


I'm using Tycho to create a dependency P2 repository (OSGi environment) 
containing JBPM 5.4.0.CR1 and DROOLS 5.5.0.CR1.

I got some problem to properly setup the dependencies for the cdi-api.

The bundle knowledge-internal-api has a dependency to cdi-api (version 
1.0-SP4), but this version is tied to this:


And this 1.0.0.Beta1 version of org.jboss.spec.javax.interceptor was not 
well osgified. it doesn't have a Bundle-SymbolicName !

I could handle this problem using a newer version of it:


I won't use cdi anyway, but it could help others that decide to use jbpm 
with eclipse.



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