[rules-users] Is rule introspection available from the Drools API?

milen igrachev igrachev at abv.bg
Mon Jan 6 04:51:28 EST 2014

Hello, is there a way to introspect a Drools file from within java code?  What I need is to be able to identify the facts and the fact attributes that are used in a given DRL file.  
  For example if I have a rule stored in a customer.drl DRL file within my project, containing the following definition:
package myRulePackage  
  import org.rules.model.Customer  import org.rules.model.Mambership  
  rule "is eligible customer"   	 when   		 $c:Customer(status == "active")   		 Membership(customer == $c, type == "premium")   	 then   		 $c.setEligibilityStatus(true);  end
  What i need is a way to understand that this ruleset customer.drl is using two fact types - Customer and Membership and three of their attributes - Customer.status, Membership.customer and Membership.type.  
  I found some information on the internet that such functionality is not supported, however the information was a bit too old, so I decided to ask again.

Big thanks for the support!
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