Folks,<br><br>I'm having an issue running Drools 3.0.5 on Sun Portal Server 7. When our rules are loaded and compiled, they come back as being invalid. Debugging reveals this is because the consequence is null. As such, addRule in AbstractRuleBase throws the following exception:
<br><br>java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The rule called Test Rule is not valid. Check for compile errors reported.<br><br>This is very similar to a previously reported issue however all our rules work fine under Eclipse when running JUnit. Additionally they have been successfully run when deployed as a servlet to Sun Application Server
8.1. This suggests the problem is due to classloading issues in the Portal environment.<br><br>Has anyone else experienced this issue or can suggest a fix?<br><br>Cheers,<br><br>Tom Finlayson<br><br>