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Hello guys, i'm trying to seek an object in an ArrayList, but I don't
know how I do it. I'm inserting this list as a global variable into
drools, but I'd like to check if there is an ojbect in this list with a
specific name. Could Anybody help me? The code is below:<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:46F90BD1.2050906@gmail.com" type="cite"><br>
global java.util.List locacoes<br>
rule "Cliente pode alugar"<br>
$motorista : umMotorista()<br>
// $list : ArrayList() from collect( umLocacaoImediata( <font
color="#ff6666">cliente == $motorista(nome)</font> ) )<br>
System.out.println($motorista.getNome() + " já possui uma
I'm trying to compare the attribute cliente from umLocacaoImediata with
the attribute nome from motorista. How do I do it?<br>
If anybody can help me with the right way to do it, answer this mail,
Rafael Alcemar