<br>hi, <br><br>I am trying to use drools 4.0 for our project and understand the licensing agreement for drools. Drools<br>uses Apache license where as some of the dependant libraries use New BSD and other type of licenses.
<br>Since I am not a lawyer, does anybody have any idea of any implications on any problems related to <br>the licenses ?. <br><br>Drools use the following libraries <br><br>antlr-runtime-3.0.jar<br>core-3.2.3.v_686_R32x.jar
<br>janino-2.5.7.jar<br>jsr94-1.1.jar<br>jxl-2.4.2.jar<br>mvel14-1.2rc1.jar<br>xercesImpl-2.4.0.jar<br>xml-apis-1.0.b2.jar<br>xpp3-<br>xstream-1.1.3.jar<br><br>(a) Do you guys have the licensing agreement for each of these jars ?
<br>(b) Also, I tried searching for the websites using their name but some of them I am not able to find. IF you <br>have the website information for these jars, that will help. <br>(c) Has anybody run into any particular licensing issue problem with Drools ?.
<br><br>Any help is appreciated. <br><br>Thanks, <br>Krishnan. <br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Sivaramakrishna Iyer Krishnan (Anand) <br><br>Never assume the obvious is true. <br>- William Safire