<br>hi all, <br><br>In my application, I use simple drl file based rules and it is not a J2EE application. Based on the dependencies <br>documentation <a href="http://anonsvn.labs.jboss.com/labs/jbossrules/tags/">
http://anonsvn.labs.jboss.com/labs/jbossrules/tags/</a><br>, it seems I am in the compiler option<br><br>The only jars I am including are as follows :- <br><br>drools-compiler-4.0.0.jar
<br>drools-core-4.0.0.jar<br>drools-decisiontables-4.0.0.jar<br>drools-jsr94-4.0.0.jar<br>antlr-runtime-3.0.jar<br>mvel14-1.2rc1.jar<br><br>core-3.2.3.v_686_R32x.jar [Can anyone explain why I need this, the documentation seems like this is optional, but when I
<br>don't specify this, it does not work ?.]<br><br>I also tried not including the core but including the janino library and specifying the janino compiler at run time and that also <br>expects the core to be included. Any help is appreciated.
<br><br>TIA, <br>Krishnan. <br><br>-- <br>Sivaramakrishna Iyer Krishnan (Anand) <br><br>Never assume the obvious is true. <br>- William Safire