First - I'd like to thank everyone for their help. I am finding Guvnor less intuitive than I had hoped and I will need your continued patience and assistance to understand it.<br><br>Problem 1:<br>I added Sample.drl (which contains two rules) from inside Eclipse, and Guvnor split it into two rules (HelloWorld and GoodBye). I later changed Sample.drl and when I went to update it thru Eclipse the 'Update' selection was not highlighted - only the Add was available. So I added it again. Now in Guvnor I have the two rules from when I first added the file, and now the Sample.drl file itself. The Sample.drl file has the changes in it and the two rules do not.<br>
<br>Problem 2:<br>I modified the Sample.drl file inside Eclipse again and went to update it in Guvnor. It wouldn't let me update it - I could only Add. So I went ahead and did an add. I can not find the changes anywhere in Guvnor.<br>
<br>Problem 3:<br>When I go to validate a rule in Guvnor it complains that it has an error importing com.scs.test.Message. That is one of the classes in the PoJo jar file that I have in Guvnor. I wanted the rules to be in com.scs.test.rules and the Java code to be in com.scs.test. Can someone explain to me where I have to put the Model, and if the Java classes need to have the same package as the rules.<br>
<br><br>I am also having general problems about when to Save things. I originally thought that when I uploaded something into Guvnor that was enough ... but it appears that (at least under some conditions) I have to Save as well. Do I have to Save things I've uploaded from Eclipse too? Guvnor never seems to have what I think it should have.<br>