JBoss SOAP 5.2 for ESB deploymetn with BRMS Standalone 5.3 for authoring and retrieving rules from Guvnor.
I am executing CEP logic with the BusinessRulesProcess ESB aciton. I pass it the following properties:
<property name="<b>ruleAgentProperties</b>" value="kie-agent/ChangeSet.xml" />
<property name="stateful" value="true" />
<property name="ruleAuditType" value="THREADED_FILE" />
<property name="ruleAuditFile" value="/event" />
<property name="ruleAuditInterval" value="1000" />
<property name="ruleClockType" value="REALTIME" />
<property name="ruleEventProcessingType" value="<b>STREAM</b>" />
<property name="ruleFireMethod" value="FIRE_UNTIL_HALT" />
where the ChangeSet.xml is as below. If I use the file-based url for the DRL resource shown below, my CEP logic :
not $rp2: DataResponse(id== "CEP-001", this after [2m] $rq) from entry-point "Event Processing stream"
works as expected. However, if I pull the DRL resource from Guvnor using the http resource below, this rule fires immediately as if the ruleEventProcessingType of STREAM is being ignored.
If you notice, I am using the LATEST.drl and not LATEST.pkg do to an issue that seemed to be related to different versions of MVEL from my SOA server and the BRMS server hosting Guvnor. For what I am trying to test I hoped this would be an acceptable workaround. I thought the SOA server would now parse the rules obtained from Guvnor in the same way as when they are file based (i.e, same runtime MVEL, drools core, etc.)
If anyone has had a similar problem or see something glaringly wrong please let me know!
<change-set xmlns=''
        <!-- <resource source="http://localhost:8180/jboss-brms/org.drools.guvnor.Guvnor/package/test/LATEST.drl"
                type="DRL" basicAuthentication="enabled" username="admin" password="admin"         /> -->
        <resource source="file://C:/guvnorRepo/data-sourcing-stream.drl"
                        type="DRL" />
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View this message in context: <a href="">ruleEventProcessingType=STREAM not working with DRL resource from Gunvor</a><br/>
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