[seam-dev] Re: Seam 2.0 GA Reference have been translated into Chinese

Xiaogang Cao xiaogang at gmail.com
Thu Apr 3 10:43:50 EDT 2008

Hi, all, let me introduct YuLimin, the leader of our Seam translation.

BTW, We are using a different docbook build script than English, because 
we need different font settings for Chinese. Or you will get a broken 
PDF file.

(the same happened in Hibernate reference translation. I modified the 
build script to use different docbook files at that time.)

Pete, It's better to let Yu send you the script and expalin to you if 


Shane Bryzak 写道:
> Samson,
> Do you think we could arrange a time next week for me to pop into the 
> office to discuss what we can do to assist Xiaogang (and in general 
> any other community translation efforts) with a well defined process 
> for performing documentation translation?  Specifically I'm wondering 
> if we can provide the same set of translation tools that we use 
> internally to our external contributors.  Anyway, let me know what 
> time would be suitable for a meeting and we can discuss this in more 
> detail then.
> Shane
> Pete Muir wrote:
>> HI Xiaogang,
>> Samson, translation lead for JBoss, has some pretty cool tools to aid 
>> ongoing translation, but we haven't quite worked how to make them 
>> available to you (or we have, and I don't know about it!). We'll keep 
>> you informed of progress.
>> For now, I would suggest waiting until we release 2.0.2.GA (in the 
>> next week or two), then if you are able to update the translation for 
>> the new docs, and create a "Documentation Translation" JIRA issue, we 
>> can release an addendum to Seam 2.0.2.GA when you do with the 
>> translated docs in. Does that sound ok to you?
>> Thanks,
>> Pete
>> On 3 Apr 2008, at 14:55, Xiaogang Cao wrote:
>>> I've send the source file to Pete.
>>> Actually we keep upgrade it from CR to GA, and 2.0.2 in the way. I 
>>> think the best way is to put it into the 'doc/ref' of svn and I can 
>>> commit new upgrades.
>>> cheers.
>>> Jay Balunas 写道:
>>>> If it all works out we can upload it with the CR1 or GA. Get it all 
>>>> up at the same time.
>>>> Pete Muir wrote:
>>>>> Samson, I thought you had already done the necessary work for this 
>>>>> on the Seam 2.0 branch?
>>>>> Our 2.0.2 release (CR being done now) uses the new structure you 
>>>>> provided.
>>>>> So, this translation is for a slightly older version - can we 
>>>>> still integrate it somehow?
>>>>> On 3 Apr 2008, at 09:31, Samson Kittoli wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Shane,
>>>>>> this is great news... thanks for the great work Xiaogang.
>>>>>> As for localization, 
>>>>>> http://engineering.redhat.com/docbot/en-US/Internal/5.0/html/Localization_Services/index.html 
>>>>>> Outlines the localization process.. (link available internally)
>>>>>> had a look at the seam ref guide and the directory structure also 
>>>>>> needs a bit of housekeeping to get things started... more like 
>>>>>> the following:
>>>>>> http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/projects/docs/trunk/AS_5/Installation_Guide/ 
>>>>>> http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/projects/docs/trunk/AS_5/Administration_And_Configuration_Guide/ 
>>>>>> the two books build using maven and publican...and are ready for 
>>>>>> translation (doesn't mean no more content addition for english 
>>>>>> unless there's a freeze...usually around GA)
>>>>>> i would be glad to help out with this work if thats ok with 
>>>>>> you... once everything is setup then get the translated docs into 
>>>>>> the ref guide. Once this is done, it should be easier to move 
>>>>>> forward with a proper localization workflow..
>>>>>> cheers,
>>>>>> samson.
>>>>>> Shane Bryzak wrote:
>>>>>>> That's awesome news. I'm adding Samson into the discussion - 
>>>>>>> Samson, how do we go about incorporating this translation into 
>>>>>>> our updated documentation structure?
>>>>>>> Gavin King wrote:
>>>>>>>> Oops, wrong mailing list!
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 9:36 PM, Gavin King 
>>>>>>>> <gavin at hibernate.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Cool, that's awesome! Thanks for your hard work!
>>>>>>>>> Folks, what do you want to do with this translation?
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 8:10 PM, Xiaogang Cao 
>>>>>>>>> <xiaogang at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> > Hi, Dear Gavin:
>>>>>>>>> > We have cafually released Seam 2.0 GA Reference Chinese 
>>>>>>>>> version in our
>>>>>>>>> > translate team site : 
>>>>>>>>> http://www.redsaga.com/opendoc/Seam2.0/html/ (The
>>>>>>>>> > leader is Yu Limin, and more than 20 people was involved.)
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > Actually the whole translation was completed 3 months 
>>>>>>>>> before, and we use
>>>>>>>>> > another 3 months to invite people to review it. The reviewer 
>>>>>>>>> include me and
>>>>>>>>> > Ma Yue, you must know him before :)
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > So, how do you want to publish it in Seam site? include into 
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> > distribution is more directly, but will increase the tarball 
>>>>>>>>> size. Or public
>>>>>>>>> > it in the seam site?
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > Thanks.
>>>>>>>>> > Xiaogang :)
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>>> Gavin King
>>>>>>>>> gavin.king at gmail.com
>>>>>>>>> http://in.relation.to/Bloggers/Gavin
>>>>>>>>> http://hibernate.org
>>>>>>>>> http://seamframework.org
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> seam-dev mailing list
>>>>>> seam-dev at lists.jboss.org
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>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Pete Muir
>>>>> http://www.seamframework.org
>>>>> http://in.relation.to/Bloggers/Pete
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> seam-dev mailing list
>>>>> seam-dev at lists.jboss.org
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>> -- 
>> Pete Muir
>> http://www.seamframework.org
>> http://in.relation.to/Bloggers/Pete

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