[seam-dev] Re: Seam 2.1.0.GA testing on AS 5 CR2 status

Dan Allen dan.j.allen at gmail.com
Wed Oct 22 13:31:12 EDT 2008

> Yes, in fact with any Java EE 5 container, we should make it a policy in
> the examples to assume that the container is taking care of the persistence
> unit rather than Seam. Seam should only step in when the container isn't
> willing or able (such as with JBoss AS 4.2).
> What? This isn't something that is mandated by the EE5 spec so how does
> this work? Looking up the EMF over JNDI only works in JBoss. The problem
> here isn't about EMF lookup, it's about whether the container deploys the PU
> or not (JBoss 4.2 doesn't for a war, whilst JBoss 5 does).

That's not true. If defined as persistence-unit-ref in web.xml (I know,
silly requirement) a Java EE container will load the persistence unit and
make it available in JNDI for that application.

5.3.1 of JPA spec:

"Within a Java EE environment, an entity manager factory may be injected
using the Persistence-Unit annotation or obtained through JNDI lookup."

JBoss 4 did not support this. Hibernate on JBoss AS just happens to support
putting it in JNDI defined in a vendor properties (w/o the resource


Dan Allen
Software consultant | Author of Seam in Action


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