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All done.<br>
On 11/06/10 03:46, Tihomir Surdilovic wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid:4C1124E0.6090105@redhat.com" type="cite">
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On 6/10/10 1:44 PM, Tihomir Surdilovic wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid:4C112482.9000408@redhat.com" type="cite">
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Hi Shane, I would like to request addition of the SEAMJBPM jira
project. The jbpm module (shell) is available in SVN.<br>
<ul class="wikiUnorderedList">
<li class="wikiUnorderedListItem"> the key of the project:
<li class="wikiUnorderedListItem"> the user friendly name of the
project: seam-jbpm<br>
<li class="wikiUnorderedListItem"> the jboss.org username of the
project lead: tsurdilovic<br>
<li class="wikiUnorderedListItem"> a description of the project:
3 integration with jbpm</li>
Let me know if you need any more info.<br>
Following the sample info you may need from seamframework.org:<br>
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<b>JIRA Name:</b> SEAMJBPM<br>
<b>Friendly Name:</b> Seam jBPM<br>
<b>Lead (JBoss.org username):</b> Tihomir Surdilovic (tsurdilovic)<br>
<b>Project URL:</b> <a moz-do-not-send="true"
class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://sfwk.org/Seam3/JBPMModule">http://sfwk.org/Seam3/JBPMModule</a><br>
<b>JIRA Components:</b> Integration with jBPM<br>
<b>Developers (JBoss.org usernames):</b> Tihomir Surdilovic