[security-dev] Credentials API redesign

Bill Burke bburke at redhat.com
Thu Dec 6 09:51:26 EST 2012

On 12/6/2012 8:32 AM, Darran Lofthouse wrote:
>>       The main idea is decouple from the IDM the logic to store, load and validate credentials. That should be done by some client API like PicketLink Core, PicketBox or some other authentication API. The IDM can provide some built-in implementations for PasswordCredentialHandler or X509CertificateCredentialHandler, for example.
>>       Another possible benefit is that the IDM does not need to know about how credentials/handlers are configured.
>>       The handler can just use the IdentityManager to store the credentials, using user's attributes or something like that.
>>       Let's say we want to perform a username/password authentication:
>>            Client Code
>>            UsernamePasswordCredential credential = new UsernamePasswordCredential("username","passwd");
>>            PasswordCredentialHandler credentialHandler = new PasswordCredentialHandler(credential);
>>            if (identityManager.validateCredential(credentialHandler)) {
>>                User user = identityManager.getUser(credential.getUsername);
>>                // continue with the authentication
>>            } else {
>>                // handle bad user
>>            }
>>        Now, let's say we want some some authentication that requires several steps (otp authentication using username + password + token):
>>            OTPCredential credential = new OTPCredential("username", "passwd"); // the user can also provide the token. no challenge.
>>            OTPCredentialHandler credentialHandler = new OTPCredentialHandler(credential);
>>            if (identityManager.validateCredential(credentialHandler)) {
>>               // valid user, token was already provided by the user
>>            } else if (credentialHandler.getStatus().equals(OTPCredentialHandler.TOKEN_CHALLENGE)) {
>>               // tell the user that we also need the token to perform the authenticatin
>>            } else {
>>               // handle bad user
>>            }
>>         Makes sense ?
> I like this, for the scenarios I have mentioned where additional
> processing is required beyond just authentication the supplied
> CredentialHandler can now be involved.
> CredentialHandlers will require access to sensitive attributes of a user
> but we also have the ability here to detect that it is within the
> "identityManager.validateCredential" call to only allow at that point.

First off, I think User should be a parameter to your validate() method.

Second, I think this idea was floated around previously (months ago).  I 
liked the idea of a typed interface for credential handling, and the 
separaation of concerns, but now that I'm actually prototyping an 
REST-based IDP, I'm having second thoughts about a typed interface. In 
my prototype, the IDP may dynanmically generate a login.html form based 
on the credential types required by the realm.  It doesn't know whether 
or not the credential type is a password, OTP, mother's maiden name, or 
whatever, it just needs to know to ask the user for a bunch of inputs. 
Same thing goes with validation.  Client-cert only validation adds an 
addtional complication as the IDP wouldn't even need to display a login 

I think it should be something more like this:

public interface CredentialType implements Serializable {
    CredentialHandler getHandler(User user, IdentityManager manager);

public interface CredentialHandler  {
    boolean validate(User user, Object[] credentials, IdentityManager idm);

public interface IdentityManager {
    CredentialType[] getCredentialTypes(User user);

The above gives the consumer of this IdentityManager API a lot of 
flexibility.  The IDM API library would still provide a core set of 
CredentialHandler implementations and a default implementations for 
various CredentialTypes, but a consumer could easily provide extensions 
that stored additional metadata.  For example

public interface FormCredentialType  {

    String getDescription(Locale locale);
    String getFormInputLable(Locale locale);
    String getFormInputVariableName();
    String getFormInputType();
    String getFormInputSize();


public class PasswordFormCredential extends PasswordCredentialType 
implements FormCredentialType {

...implmentation of FormCredentialType


Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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