<div>Teiid Group, </div>
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<div>I downloaded Teiid 6.1 Source (teiid-6.1.0-src.zip) and extracted it to a folder. Following the instructions specified in: <a href="http://www.jboss.org/community/wiki/EclipseDevEnvironmentSetUpforTeiid">http://www.jboss.org/community/wiki/EclipseDevEnvironmentSetUpforTeiid</a>, I imported the project into Eclipse and also performed the step with respect to <em>Generating Maven Sources</em>. I did a build and it gave me errors. I even tried: <em>mvn install</em> from the folder where the source was extracted and got the same error.</div>
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<div>It is looking for a module name <em>common-core</em> which does not exist in the downloaded source zip. Please find the logs attached (Eclipse Log is in <em>BuildLog.txt </em>and the Mvn Install Log is in <em>MvnInstall.log</em>). Let me know how to resolve the problem.</div>
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<div>If any other information is required to help in trouble shooting, please let me know.</div>
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