[undertow-dev] How to configure wss with undertow?

张林 azure.mumu at gmail.com
Tue Apr 8 23:53:13 EDT 2014

In the client side, I want to use "wss" to communicate with the server,
when I change the "ws" to "wss", it reported a error:
*java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: XNIO000100: 'https' URL scheme chosen
but no SSL provider given*

So I try to provide a ssl provider XnioSsl, but I found the
io.undertow.websockets.client.WebSocketClient not support.

in the code ,it invokes the method:
HttpUpgrade.performUpgrade(worker, null, newUri, headers, new
ChannelListener(handshake, newUri, bufferPool, ioFuture);

HttpUpgradeState(final XnioWorker worker,* final XnioSsl ssl*, final
InetSocketAddress bindAddress, final URI uri, final Map<String, String>
headers, final ChannelListener<? super T> openListener, final
ChannelListener<? super BoundChannel> bindListener, final OptionMap
optionMap, final HandshakeChecker handshakeChecker)

I think it doesn't support wss yet for undertow now? is it right? or could
you tell me how to do this? Thanks.

Sincerely yours,
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