[undertow-dev] how to use futures with undertow?

Sascha Sadat-Guscheh kid at bitkid.com
Thu Dec 10 07:22:38 EST 2015


We want to use undertow as the http server for our application. Our current API is based on futures (java8 completable futures). My question is how do i combine futures with the concept of handlers. My rather naive implementation would be something like that.

class MyHandler implements HttpHandler {
        public void handleRequest(HttpServerExchange exchange) throws Exception {
            exchange.getRequestReceiver().receiveFullString((exchange1, message) -> {
                CompletableFuture<Response> responseFuture = doTheWork(message);
                responseFuture.whenCompleteAsync((response, throwable) -> {

does this look reasonable? responseFuture.whenCompleteAsync() can be passed an Executor. Should i use an Executor from the HttpServerExchange for that? actually i tried to, but it’s always null. Another way would be:

class MyHandler implements HttpHandler {
        public void handleRequest(HttpServerExchange exchange) throws Exception {
            exchange.getRequestReceiver().receiveFullString((exchange1, message) -> {
                CompletableFuture<Response> responseFuture = doTheWork(message);
                exchange1.dispatch(() -> {

What’s the correct way to do it?

Thanks, Sascha 

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