[webbeans-dev] Creating instances of managed beans (including EJBs) in EE6 (was Re: non-contextual managed bean creation)

Pete Muir pmuir at redhat.com
Thu Aug 13 07:43:23 EDT 2009

Here we need to address a slightly different aspect of managed bean  
lifecycles when CDI is enabled. This has the most impact on EJBs, as  
they are currently the only other direct instantiator of managed beans.

After speaking to Gavin yesterday, and closely reading the latest CDI  
spec, I've noticed that CDI now expects EJB to delegate EJB instance  
creation to CDI, when CDI is enabled in the application. The reason  
for this is to allow EJBs to support constructor injection. IMO there  
are three extremely strong reasons why we need to support this:

1) Constructor injection is a (very) good thing, because it allows you  
to make a class fully immutable. This will make EJBs a more attractive  
programming model.
2) For a developer, it makes adding EJB services to your EJB (or  
removing them) more transparent as constructor injections don't have  
to be altered
3) it's required by the 330 and 299 specs

CDI provides an SPI specifically for this purpose with  
InjectionTarget.produce(), so I propose we add a requirement that Web  
Beans integrators have their EJB container call  
injectionTarget.produce() when CDI is enabled in an application to  
create a bean instance.

Clearly, an integrator wouldn't want to hardcode this into their EJB  
container, so a logical way to implement this would be for the EJB  
container to provide a (non-portable) SPI that defines lifecycle  
control for bean instances, along with a default implementation. The  
SPI could look something like this - default implementation also  

* newInstance() - create a new bean instance as required by EJB spec
* inject() -  perform Java EE style injection
* postConstruct() - call the @PostConstruct method
* preDestroy() - call the @PreDestroy method

When Web Beans is present, an alternative implementation, which  
instead hooks into the injectionTarget and calls:

* newInstance() - construct an instance, using constructor injection  
via injectionTarget.produce()
* inject() - inject the instance with CDI-style dependencies and EE- 
style dependencies via injectionTarget().inject()
* postConstruct() - call @PostConstruct via  
* @PreDestroy - call @PreDestroy via injectionTarget.preDestroy()

As we are discussing in the other email, inject() will then delegate  
back to the container to actually perform the EE style injections


On 12 Aug 2009, at 23:02, Pete Muir wrote:

> Moving to webbeans-dev. Sorry for the delay in replying...
> On 11 Aug 2009, at 16:19, Kenneth Saks wrote:
>> I need to implement the java:global lookup logic defined by the EE 6
>> Managed Bean spec for the 299-enabled case.    My starting point is
>> a bean class.  What API/SPI(s) do I call to create a non-contextual
>> managed bean instance that has been injected(with both 299-style and
>> EE-style dependencies) and has had  post-construct called?
> I wrote this generic FAQ http://www.seamframework.org/Documentation/HowDoIDoNoncontextualInjectionForAThirdpartyFramework
>  which describes the process you need to follow.
> The only difference is that currently inject() doesn't inject any EE
> style dependencies. This is a bug in the RI. https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/WBRI-352
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