[weld-dev] SPI enhancements

Gavin King gavin.king at gmail.com
Tue Dec 29 18:18:28 EST 2009

So, once we started actually writing portable extensions, and seeing
the kind of crazy things people are trying to do with Weld, a couple
of missing features have popped up. I expected this, since the SPI was
the bit that had by far the least review when we were writing the
spec. The good news is that I've only found one thing we actually did
wrong (using the bean Class for determining inter-module
accessibility, instead of introducing a proper Module object). The
other things are really just missing features that can be easily

I've compiled a list here:


I would love to be able to roll as much of this stuff as possible into
the maintenance release, to get it out there before people start
writing portable extensions in earnest, and have to start worrying
about differences between the 1.0 and 1.1 SPIs. So I want to hear from
you guys if you think that's a reasonable thing to do. The first 4 or
5 items on this list are sorely needed.

Note that this is just part of a more extensive list of enhancements here:


Gavin King
gavin.king at gmail.com

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