[weld-dev] DocumentStore

Nicklas Karlsson nickarls at gmail.com
Fri Nov 13 16:00:23 EST 2009

Actually this could be something for the seam-dev-list but I assume
that most of them are over here, too and this discussion could be view
from a general "portable extension"-point of view

Anyway, I started to look at porting the Seam Excel module and it's
content delivery mechanism, the stuff in org.jboss.seam.document
(namely, the DocumentStore). I assume a general DocumentStore
extension would be a natural candidate for a CDI extension, yes?

I don't know the history and evolution of the code and most stuff is
probably there for a reason but as I see it, the action is split up in
a Servlet part and a PhaseListener part (for redirects?). Some

1) Given Servlet 3, JSF 2 and CDI, Is there something in this
architecture that can be simplified? I assume we still can't just dump
the data to the response stream and be done with it?

2) Assuming the redirect is still needed, could we have a
self-registering Servlet 3- style DocumentServlet that would be
available just by dropping in the JAR? And the usage from an JSF
action would be something like

@Inject DocumentStore documentStore;

Document document = documentStore.getDocument();
document.show(); // does the redirect;

There could of course be shorthands as


And the DocumentServlet would then access the same (conversation
scoped) DocumentStore and deliver the data to the response stream

or perhaps DocumentServlet could have a factory for Document and you
would just do

@Inject Document document;

document.PDFof(myByteArray).show(); // sets mime type etc and redirects

3) Haven't looked at REST-stuff that much, could a DocumentServlet
like this also be used for permanent document delivery with fixed
paths, something like http://localhost/app/documents/secrets/1234 ?


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