[webbeans-dev] Is @Named qualifier?

Takeshi Kondo takeshi.kondo at gmail.com
Wed Sep 2 14:45:10 EDT 2009


I'm a bit confused about @Named annotation.
@Named is qualifier in jsr-330. However in webbeans @Named was EL name.

I want to use @Named annotation as EL name and don't to use it as  
for instance,
When I use HttpServletRequest in JSP, I want to reference "#{request}",
and when I use it in Java code, I want to inject it by @Inject.
However if @Named is qualifier we have to use @Named("request") and  
@Inject to inject it.
I don't want to use @Named("request") annotation to inject it in this  

Is there way which we name only EL name to class?

Takeshi Kondo

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