[webbeans-dev] Lifecycle for WebBeans SE Module

Peter Royle howardmoon at screamingcoder.com
Tue Sep 22 20:38:57 EDT 2009


I've come across a bit of a problem with the PFD2 from the SE module  
perspective. There's no longer any suitable built-in event which can  
be used to kick off the SE application, due to there not being any  
lifecycle events which fire while the contexts are active. We used to  
use @Observes @Deployed Manager, and by doing so the observer method  
was executed inside a fully injected bean with all contexts available.

In PFD2 we have the AfterDeploymentValidation event, but it gets fired  
'before creating contexts and processing requests'. Then the next  
lifecycle event after that is BeforeShutdown.

The simplest alternative I can think of is a custom event introduced  
for WebBeans SE specifically, thrown by the SE module itself, which  
isn't ideal because we lose that portability.

Any thoughts or advice?

Related question: How is application code written for CDI supposed to  
execute code on startup - does it have to register an Extension and  
execute without any contexts/injection?



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