[weld-dev] @WithAnnotations filtering not picking up annotations from implemented interfaces

Marko Bekhta marko.prykladna at gmail.com
Wed May 2 11:57:51 EDT 2018

Ahh, I see, it's a part of the spec. So basically if we wanted to do it the
way there's no other option then remove the @WithAnnotations, receive all
PATs and do the filtering on our side, right?

And also thanks for a quick response!

Have a nice day,

2018-05-02 17:25 GMT+02:00 Martin Kouba <mkouba at redhat.com>:

> Hi Marko,
> comments inline...
> Dne 2.5.2018 v 16:57 Marko Bekhta napsal(a):
> Hi all,
>> In Hibernate Validator CDI extension we are using @WithAnnotations to
>> filter
>> beans that potentially need to be validated (for actual usage see [1]):
>> public <T> void processAnnotatedType(@Observes @WithAnnotations({
>> Constraint.class,
>> Valid.class,
>> ValidateOnExecution.class
>> }) ProcessAnnotatedType<T> processAnnotatedTypeEvent) {
>> // doing something ...
>> }
>> The problem that we've stumbled upon is that it looks like this filtering
>> does
>> not take into account the information from implemented interfaces. For
>> example
>> let's assume we have an interface:
>> @ValidateOnExecution(type = ExecutableType.ALL)
>> public interface ShipmentService {
>> public void findShipment(@NotNull String id);
>> }
>> which is implemented by ShipmentServiceImpl:
>> public class ShipmentServiceImpl implements ShipmentService {
>> @Override
>> public void findShipment(String id) {
>> }
>> }
>> Our expectation would be that as interface is marked with one of the
>> annotations
>> listed among values of @WithAnnotations filter, the corresponding bean
>> (ShipmentServiceImpl) would be pushed to processAnnotatedType(..) method.
>> But it
>> is not. As a result we don't create a validation proxy and corresponding
>> service
>> bean never performs any validation operations.  In case when any of the
>> filtered
>> annotations is added to the impl bean things start to work (impl bean is
>> processed).
>> The above case shows placement of annotation on a type level, but similar
>> behavior is observed in cases when annotation is on a method level.
>> As forcing presence of one of the annotations from the filter list on a
>> impl
>> beans is not really an option, an alternative could be to drop the
>> @WithAnnotations filtering completely. Which is also not that great, as
>> dropping the filtering would mean that:
>> - Validation extension would need to process all possible beans that are
>> available
>> - Such processing requires calls to Hibernate Validatior which must
>> create the metadata
>> for each bean hierarchy and store it, even if nobody actually needs to
>> validate those
>> beans.
>> - This would lead to much greater memory consumption as well as longer
>> bootstrap
>> time. Which is not good.
>> Hence we would like to ask if there is any particular reasons why
>> @WithAnnotations
> Well, the reason is that the spec requires this:
> "If the annotation is applied, the container must only deliver
> ProcessAnnotatedType events for types which contain at least one of the
> annotations specified. The annotation can appear on the annotated type, or
> on any member, or any parameter of any member of the annotated type, as
> defined in Alternative metadata sources."
> See also http://docs.jboss.org/cdi/spec/2.0/cdi-spec.html#process_
> annotated_type
> Annotations should be inherited (and PAT fired) if @Inherited
> meta-annotation is used. But I'm not quite sure this works. Also note that
> annotations are never inherited from interfaces (see also
> java.lang.annotation.Inherited javadoc)!
> filter does not consider looking at super classes and implemented
>> interfaces to check
>> for annotations listed in @WithAnnotations?
>> Have a nice day,
>> Marko
>> [1] https://github.com/hibernate/hibernate-validator/blob/master
>> /cdi/src/main/java/org/hibernate/validator/cdi/ValidationExt
>> ension.java#L222
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> --
> Martin Kouba
> Senior Software Engineer
> Red Hat, Czech Republic
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