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Other than this I am not aware of any other way of suppressing
CDI/Weld injection. Since you have control over the producer methods
you could perhaps implement this on the JBeret side using thread
locals to pass the injected instance/default values around?<br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 03/09/2015 03:43 PM, Cheng Fang
<blockquote cite="mid:54FDB182.9010809@redhat.com" type="cite">
<meta content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"
(I just subscribed to cdi-dev, and tried to post to it several
times, but bounced back, so send to you)<br>
Thanks, Jozef.<br>
I'm mostly concerned with user-supplied default field values.� For
JVM default field values, we currently just let CDI inject null,
or primitive defaults to it.<br>
I just tried your suggestion, adding the following method to
BatchCDIExtension class:<br>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;
<pre style="background-color:#ffffff;color:#000000;font-family:'Menlo';font-size:12pt;"><span style="color:#000080;font-weight:bold;">public </span><<span style="color:#20999d;">T</span>> <span style="color:#000080;font-weight:bold;">void </span>processAnnotatedType(<span style="color:#808000;">@Observes </span>ProcessAnnotatedType<<span style="color:#20999d;">T</span>> pat,
BeanManager beanManager) {...}
and found batch properties are not yet available when it is called. This method seems to be called during scanning, which is
pretty early stage.
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 3/9/15 2:39 AM, Jozef Hartinger
<blockquote cite="mid:54FD4033.2030706@redhat.com" type="cite">
<meta content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"
You can actually work around by listening to
ProcessAnnotatedType and removing the @Inject annotation from
injection points for which there is no value to inject. Is the
set of defined key-value pairs known at the time when the CDI
extension is called?<br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 03/09/2015 07:25 AM, Jozef
Hartinger wrote:<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:54FD3CE0.1070706@redhat.com" type="cite">
<meta content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"
Adding weld-dev.<br>
Hi Cheng,<br>
by defining a producer method you are basically saying "I am
able to supply an object for this given type/qualifier
combination". There is not way to opt out of it at runtime.
Are you concerned about the JVM default values or the default
values a user has provided?<br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 03/07/2015 05:54 PM, Cheng
Fang wrote:<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:54FB2D34.5090005@redhat.com" type="cite">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;
Hi Jozef,<br>
I'm having a question in using CDI injection in project
JBeret (batch impl project), and would appreciate any help
from you.<br>
A batch application (in Java SE or EE) can inject configured
batch properties into batch artifact classes:<br>
@javax.batch.api.BatchProperty(name = "batchPropName")<br>
String batchPropName = "default name";<br>
The property value comes from job.xml, which is the batch
job definition descriptor file:<br>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;
<batchlet ref="batchlet1"><br>
������� <properties><br>
�������������� <property name="batchPropName"
value="configured name"/><br>
������� </properties><br>
When "batchPropName" property is not configured in job.xml,
the injection should not happen, and whatever java default
field value should be preserved for batchPropName field.� <br>
With our current batch CDI extension [1] and producer bean
[2], it injects a null value into this field, overwriting
the java default value, when the target batch property is
not present.<br>
How to signal to Weld to skip performing the injection for
those injection targets?� Ideally, I hope it can be done
from within producer methods, which is the place we retrieve
batch properties and know whether they exist or not.<br>
I think this is also how Java EE field injection works.� How
do we handle it in EE, and is it something I can mirror?<br>
[1] <a moz-do-not-send="true" class="moz-txt-link-freetext"
[2] <a moz-do-not-send="true" class="moz-txt-link-freetext"
<fieldset class="mimeAttachmentHeader"></fieldset>
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