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edited a comment on <img src="https://issues.jboss.org/images/icons/bug.gif" height="16" width="16" border="0" align="absmiddle" alt="Bug"> <a style='color:#003366;text-decoration:none;' href='https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WELD-1144'>WELD-1144</a>
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<a style='color:#003366;text-decoration:none;' href='https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WELD-1144'><strong>Superclass of processed AnnotationType is ignored</strong></a>
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<div class="comment-block" style="background-color:#edf5ff;border:1px solid #dddddd;color:#000000;padding:12px;"><p>As discussed on IRC:</p>
<p><luksa> kennardconsult: the thing is, I did post a message to weld-dev mailing list asking why weld sets Object.class as the superclass for some beans (ths is what's causing your problem)<br/>
<kennardconsult> luksa: there was no response?<br/>
<luksa> kennardconsult: and I haven't really received any useful info on that yet. Supposedly, it needs to be so... <br/>
<luksa> <a href="http://lists.jboss.org/pipermail/weld-dev/2012-July/003046.html">http://lists.jboss.org/pipermail/weld-dev/2012-July/003046.html</a><br/>
<alesj> kennardconsult: I think the superclass behavior is defined by the spec, as Stuart suggested<br/>
<pmuir> luksa: it probably is, but unlesss you are 100% sure, i woudn't change the behavior<br/>
<pmuir> e.g gf might be using it, or wls<br/>
<kennardconsult> alesj: okay, so can somebody reconcile the spec with what I'm trying to do in <a href="https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WELD-1144" title="Superclass of processed AnnotationType is ignored">WELD-1144</a>. Is what I'm attempting illegal?<br/>
<alesj> kennardconsult: pmuir is best there, wrt spec - but I do rememebr I was looking at that superclass before, and it made sense at the end not to change the behavior<br/>
<kennardconsult> But in that case you can never do 1144, right? luksa, having looked at 1144, is what I'm trying to do unreasonable?<br/>
<alesj> kennardconsult: it can be done, afair - but your a bit stuck with less portable code, e.g. you need to use Weld's custom classes -<br/>
<alesj> - if I still rememeber correctly - <img class="emoticon" src="https://issues.jboss.org/images/icons/emoticons/smile.gif" height="20" width="20" align="absmiddle" alt="" border="0"/><br/>
<kennardconsult> alesj: my code in 1144 is basically the same code as in the CDI Reference Guide. So I think something is broken here<br/>
<alesj> pmuir: ^ broken ref guide? <br/>
<pmuir> looking<br/>
<kennardconsult> pmuir: chapter 16.7 "Wrapping an AnnotatedType". You basically need to put a disclaimer saying 'this code will not work if any of your CDI beans have superclasses" <img class="emoticon" src="https://issues.jboss.org/images/icons/emoticons/smile.gif" height="20" width="20" align="absmiddle" alt="" border="0"/><br/>
<luksa> kennardconsult: alesj: I really don't see how setting the superclass to Object.class could ever be OK. <br/>
<pmuir> luksa: so the issue is that annotatedType.getFields() doesn't return the fields on the super class, but then weld ignores the super class?<br/>
<pmuir> the idea is that the AnnotatedField list should contain <b>all</b> fields to inject in the entire class hierarchy<br/>
<pmuir> otherwise this can't work in any consistent way<br/>
<luksa> pmuir: yes, Beans.getFieldInjectionPoints only gets the declared fields of a WeldClass and then moves on to the superclass (which is Object.class in some cases)... therefore, it completely skips the declared fields of the actual superclass<br/>
<luksa> pmuir: and yes, since AnnotatedType.getFields() can be whatever someone wants, Beans.getFieldInjectionPoints() should not bypass it (by walking up the hierarchy itself)<br/>
<luksa> pmuir: ops, there are two Beans.getFieldInjectionPoints() methods.. I'm talking about the one at around line 189: public static List<Set<FieldInjectionPoint<?, ?>>> getFieldInjectionPoints(Bean<?> declaringBean, WeldClass<?> weldClass) {<br/>
<pmuir> luksa: yeah, I think that is more the problem<br/>
<pmuir> than the fact that Object.class is the superclass<br/>
<pmuir> ie. i would try to fix Beans<br/>
<pmuir> to do the correct injections<br/>
<pmuir> and basically that if someone has overridden getFields on AnnotatedType<br/>
<pmuir> they should be canonical<br/>
<luksa> mhm<br/>
<luksa> pmuir: ok, I'll go along that route...<br/>
<luksa> pmuir: tnx for the help<br/>
<kennardconsult> Thanks luksa, pmuir! I'll keep an eye on the JIRA<br/>
<pmuir> luksa: np</p></blockquote></div>
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