[wildfly-dev] Establishing deployment processor service dependencies

Richard Achmatowicz rachmato at redhat.com
Mon Dec 9 14:45:50 EST 2013


Quick question on establishing service dependencies for deployment unit 

I have a deployment unit processor DUP1 for a subsystem, which runs in 
the INSTALL phase and depends on a service X. Although X is installed 
elsewhere, I want to make sure that X is started before the DUP ever 
executes as it requires that service for correct operation.

Is it the case that the only way to establish this dependency is to:
- create a new deployment unit processor DUP2 which runs in the phase 
immediately preceding INSTALL ( which is POST_MODULE)
- use DUP2 to add the dependency to the DeploymentPhaseContext via

phaseContext.addToAttachmentList(Attachments.NEXT_PHASE_DEPS, X);

Just want to confirm that this is the only way to establish this dependency.


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