[wildfly-dev] WildFly (domain) management in OpenShift V3

Brian Stansberry brian.stansberry at redhat.com
Fri Dec 5 14:00:02 EST 2014

On 12/5/14, 7:36 AM, Thomas Diesler wrote:
> Folks,
> I’ve recently been looking at WildFly container deployments on OpenShift
> V3. The following setup is documented here
> <https://github.com/wildfly-extras/wildfly-camel-book/blob/2.1/cloud/fabric8.md>
>     The example architecture consists of a set of three high available
>     (HA) servers running REST endpoints.
>     For server replication and failover we use Kubernetes. Each server
>     runs in a dedicated Pod that we access via Services.
> This approach comes with a number of benefits, which are sufficiently
> explained in various OpenShift
> <https://blog.openshift.com/openshift-v3-platform-combines-docker-kubernetes-atomic-and-more/>,
> Kubernetes
> <https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/blob/master/README.md> and
> Docker <https://docs.docker.com/> materials, but also with a number of
> challenges. Lets look at those in more detail …
> In the example above Kubernetes replicates a number of standalone
> containers and isolates them in a Pod each with limited access from the
> outside world.
> * The management interfaces are not accessible
> * The management consoles are not visible
> With WildFly-Camel we have a Hawt.io
> <http://wildflyext.gitbooks.io/wildfly-camel/content/features/hawtio.html> console
> that allows us to manage Camel Routes configured or deployed to the
> WildFly runtime.
> The WildFly console manages aspects of the appserver.
> In a more general sense, I was wondering how the WildFly domain model
> maps to the Kubernetes runtime environment and how these server
> instances are managed and information about them relayed back to the
> sysadmin

Your questions below mostly relate (correctly) to what *should* be done 
but I'll preface by discussing what *could* be done. Please forgive noob 
mistakes as I'm an admitted Kubernetes noob.

AIUI a Kubernetes services exposes a single endpoint to outside callers, 
but the containers in the pods can open an arbitrary number of client 
connections to other services.

This should work fine with WildFly domain management, as there can be a 
Service for the Domain Controller, which is the management interaction 
point for the sysadmin. And then the WildFly instance in the container 
for any other Service can connect and register with that Domain 
Controller service. The address/port those other containers use can be 
the same one that sysadmins use.

> a) Should these individual wildfly instances somehow be connected to
> each other (i.e. notion of domain)?

Depends on the use case, but I expect certainly some users will 
centralized management, even if it's just for monitoring.

> b) How would an HA singleton service work?

WildFly *domain management* itself does not have an HA singleton notion, but

i) Kubernetes replication controllers themselves provide a form of this, 
but I assume with a period of downtime while a new pod is spun up.

ii) WildFly clustering has an HA singleton service concept that can be 
used. There are different mechanisms JGroups supports for group 
communication, but one involves each peer in the group connecting to a 
central coordination process. So presumably that coordination process 
could be deployed as a Kubernetes Service.

> c) What level of management should be exposed to the outside?

As much as possible this should be a user choice. Architecturally, I 
believe we can expose everything. I'm not real keen on trying to disable 
things in Kubernetes-specific ways. But I'm quite open to features to 
disable things that work in any deployment environment.

> d) Should it be possible to modify runtime behaviour of these servers
> (i.e. write access to config)?

See c). We don't have a true read-only mode, athough I think it would be 
fairly straightforward to add such a thing if it were a requirement.

> e) Should deployment be supported at all?

See c). Making removing deployment capability configurable is also 
doable, although it's likely more work than a simple read-only mode.

> f) How can a server be detected that has gone bad?

I'll need to get a better understanding of Kubernetes to say anything 
useful about this.

> g) Should logs be aggregated?

This sounds like something that belongs at a higher layer, or as a 
general purpose WildFly feature unrelated to Kubernetes.

> h) Should there be a common management view (i.e. console) for these
> servers?

I don't see why not. I think some users will want that, others won't, 
and others will want a console that spans things beyond WildFly servers.

> i) etc …
> Are these concerns already being addressed for WildFly?

Somewhat. As you can see from the above, a fair bit of stuff could just 
work. I know Heiko Braun has been thinking a bit about Kubernetes use 
cases too, or at least wanting to do so. ;)

> Is there perhaps even an already existing design that I could look at?

Kubernetes specific stuff? No.

> Can such an effort be connected to the work that is going on in Fabric8?

The primary Fabric8-related thing we (aka Alexey Loubyansky) are doing 
currently is working to support non-xml based persistence of our config 
files and a mechanism to support server detection of changes to the 
filesystem, triggering updates to the runtime. Goal being to integrate 
with the git-based mechanisms Fabric8 uses for configuration.


> cheers
> —thomas
> PS: it would be area that we @ wildfly-camel were interested to work on

Great! :)

Brian Stansberry
Senior Principal Software Engineer
JBoss by Red Hat

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