[wildfly-dev] Wildfly Quickstarts

Scott Marlow smarlow at redhat.com
Mon Feb 10 12:43:21 EST 2014

Fix for the Hibernate 3 quick start is at 
https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/pull/8 (just needed to add the 
Hibernate 3 provider name via 

On 02/10/2014 11:12 AM, Eduardo Martins wrote:
> During the weekend I was able to complete first round of tests and fixes
> of the quickstarts, here is my feedback about it:
> *Quickstarts 100% working (60):
> *
> * bean-validation
> * bmt
> * carmart
> * carmart-tx
> * cdi-add-interceptor-binding
> * cdi-alternative
> * cdi-injection
> * cdi-portable-extension
> * cdi-veto
> * cmt
> * deltaspike-authorization
> * deltaspike-beanbuilder
> * deltaspike-beanmanagerprovider
> * deltaspike-deactivatable
> * deltaspike-exception-handling
> * deltaspike-projectstage
> * ejb-in-ear
> * ejb-in-war
> * ejb-remote
> * ejb-security
> * ejb-throws-exception
> * greeter
> * greeter-spring
> * helloworld
> * helloworld-gwt
> * helloworld-html5
> * helloworld-jdg
> * helloworld-mdb
> * helloworld-rf
> * helloworld-rs
> * helloworld-singleton
> * helloworld-ws
> * hibernate4
> * inter-app
> * jax-rs-client
> * jta-crash-rec
> * jts-distributed-crash-rec
> * kitchensink
> * kitchensink-angularjs
> * kitchensink-deltaspike
> * kitchensink-html5-mobile
> * kitchensink-jsp
> * kitchensink-ml
> * kitchensink-ml-ear
> * log4j
> * logging-tools
> * numberguess
> * picketlink-authentication-idm-jsf
> * picketlink-authentication-jsf
> * servlet-filterlistener
> * servlet-security
> * tasks
> * temperature-converter
> * wicket-ear
> * wicket-war
> * wsat-simple
> * wsba-coordinator-completion-simple
> * wsba-participant-completion-simple
> * xml-dom4j
> * xml-jaxp
> *Quickstarts working but with some unexpected exceptions/errors (8):
> *
> * cluster-ha-singleton (EJB, HASingleton, JNDI)
>    - exception on stop, see http://pastebin.com/zJDTNQUT
>    - exception on undeploy, see http://pastebin.com/wLzpwwiL
> * ejb-asynchronous (EJB)
>    - exception after client completes, see http://pastebin.com/u0EVFTAN
> * jts (JTA, EJB)
>    - when running the cli script remove-its-transactions.cli an
> exception is seen in the server console log, see
> http://pastebin.com/yqYCgL04
> * kitchensink-ear (JSF, CDI, EJB, JPA, Bean Validation)
>    - exception on undeploy, see http://pastebin.com/iiGAWrFE
> * mail (JavaMail, JSF, CDI)
>    - exception on undeploy, see http://pastebin.com/G6fJhGDc
> * payment-cdi-event (CDI)
>    - exception on redeploy after making sales on the app, see
> http://pastebin.com/4CbMTxVA
> * richfaces-validation (RichFaces, JSF and Bean Validation)
>    - works but writing on app's text boxes throw exception, see
> http://pastebin.com/cqxcv3xD
> * servlet-async (Servlet, CDI, EJB)
>    - exception on undeploy, see http://pastebin.com/0xTgeH5E
> *Quickstarts not working at all (11):*
> * deltaspike-helloworld-jms (JMS, CDI, DeltaSpike)
>    - fails to send mms msg, see http://pastebin.com/9qHxvWkH
> * ejb-security-interceptors (EJB, Security)
>    - mvn exec:exec fails
>    - exception on server see http://pastebin.com/FR9ptxGm
>    - exception on client see http://pastebin.com/xdJgLa0q
> * ejb-security-plus (EJB, Security)
>    - mvn:exec:exec fails, see http://pastebin.com/cA6tffPt
> * helloworld-errai (Errai, JAX-RS, GWT)
>    - exception on deploy, see http://pastebin.com/G1VgtDUU
> * helloworld-jms (JMS)
>    - mvn clean compile exec:java fails, see http://pastebin.com/d6WLXdZB
> * hibernate3 (JSF)
>    - deploy fails, see http://pastebin.com/4y74WwY7
> * kitchensink-rf (CDI, JSF, JPA, EJB, JPA, JAX-RS, BV)
>    - deploy fails, see http://pastebin.com/wfsEfugd
> * picketlink-authorization-idm-jpa (CDI, PicketLink)
>    - fails to deploy, see http://pastebin.com/c4QMy3St
> * shopping cart (EJB)
>    - exception when running client, see http://pastebin.com/DV9Whrj6
> * tasks-jsf (JSF, JPA)
>    - exceptions when using the app, see http://pastebin.com/4uJdMdpc
> *  tasks-rs (JPA, JAX-RS)
>    - deploy fails, see http://pastebin.com/iYy2KSM7
> *
> *
> *Quickstarts not tested due to dependencies on JBoss products or
> something else (6):
> *
> * forge-from-scratch
>    - needs JBoss Forge
> * helloworld-osgi
>    - osgi not included in WFLY 8
> * hotrod
>    - needs JDG
> * kitchensink-cordova
>    - some mobile apps(?!?) that I’m not sure how to test
> * memcached-endpoint
>    - needs JDG
> * rest-endpoint
>    - needs JDG
> —————————
> *Sources:*
> * BOMs
>    - https://github.com/emmartins/jboss-eap-boms/tree/1.4.0.Final-WFLY8
> * Quikstarts
>    - https://github.com/emmartins/quickstart/tree/javaee-7.0
> To try this checkout both specific *branches*, do "mvn install" on both,
> then follow instructions in each Quickstart’s README.md.
> ——————————
> *Final Words*
> *
> *
> Like I said in today’s call, we have a big list of 100% working
> quickstarts already, probably more than enough as companion of WFLY 8
> Final release, but some of the ones that do not work partially or
> completely kind of worry me, so I’m going to retry the ones which failed
> with current WildFly sources in master branch. In case the errors
> persist I will contact related core team members and start digging.
> By the way, the Hibernate 3 one, do we need to worry with this or should
> I simply remove it right away?
> With respect to the ones not worked out, I don’t think it makes any
> sense to use WFLY with other JBoss comercial products, perhaps a change
> to related community projects should be done later...
> There is a final pass of fixes in the README.md files, since during
> tests I noted there are still a lot of references to EAP 6, but that is
> not relevant to the WFLY 8 code release.
> —E
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