[wildfly-dev] HC and server addresses

Brian Stansberry brian.stansberry at redhat.com
Mon Jan 20 14:31:32 EST 2014

For a server, you can find out a resolved address for a interface 
resource as follows:

[domain at localhost:9990 /] 
     "outcome" => "success",
     "result" => ""

The value will be "undefined" if the resource is not actually in use 
(i.e. the server didn't have to start the MSC service backing the resource)

[domain at localhost:9990 /] 
     "outcome" => "success",
     "result" => undefined

There's no equivalent option for the host controller processes though. 
For example /host=master/interface=management has no resolved-address 
property. I'll need to think about how to deal with that.

The reason there's no attribute is because the meaning of such an 
attribute is unclear when it's applied to a resource that is scoped to 
more than one process. That is /interface=x or host=master/interface=y 
are config resources that can eventually drive the config on multiple 
host processes and server processes, with each process resolving the 
config differently. A "resolved-address" attribute can only tell you the 
value it was resolved to on the process that provides the response.

Perhaps for the higher level resources we could just call the attribute 
"locally-resolved-address" or something and document the meaning in the 
attribute description text.

Probably even better would be to expose bound-address and bound-port 
attributes on the 
host=master/core-service=management/management-interface=* resources 
like we have on the socket-binding resources. That's probably a better 
match for what you are looking for.

More inline.

On 1/17/14, 8:48 PM, Claudio Miranda wrote:
> Hi, I was looking for a way to get the HC and server instance ip
> address, using the management api.
> The server is started as
> ./domain.sh -b pavlov-0 -bmanagement pavlov-0
> -Djboss.domain.base.dir=../lab1-dc
> -Djboss.domain.master.address=pavlov-0
> I found out the following command
> /host=master/core-service=host-environment:read-resource(include-runtime=true,recursive=true,include-defaults=true,include-aliases=true)
> The output
> {
>      "outcome" => "success",
>      "result" => {
>          "backup-domain-files" => false,
>          "default-jvm" => "/opt/javavm/bin/java",
>          "domain-base-dir" =>
> "/home/claudio/alphaworks/projects/wildfly/build/target/wildfly-8.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT/bin/../lab1-dc",
>          "domain-config-dir" =>
> "/home/claudio/alphaworks/projects/wildfly/build/target/wildfly-8.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT/bin/../lab1-dc/configuration",
>          "domain-config-file" =>
> "/home/claudio/alphaworks/projects/wildfly/build/target/wildfly-8.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT/lab1-dc/configuration/domain.xml",
>          "domain-content-dir" =>
> "/home/claudio/alphaworks/projects/wildfly/build/target/wildfly-8.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT/bin/../lab1-dc/data/content",
>          "domain-data-dir" =>
> "/home/claudio/alphaworks/projects/wildfly/build/target/wildfly-8.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT/bin/../lab1-dc/data",
>          "domain-log-dir" =>
> "/home/claudio/alphaworks/projects/wildfly/build/target/wildfly-8.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT/bin/../lab1-dc/log",
>          "domain-servers-dir" =>
> "/home/claudio/alphaworks/projects/wildfly/build/target/wildfly-8.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT/bin/../lab1-dc/servers",
>          "domain-temp-dir" =>
> "/home/claudio/alphaworks/projects/wildfly/build/target/wildfly-8.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT/bin/../lab1-dc/tmp",
>          "home-dir" =>
> "/home/claudio/alphaworks/projects/wildfly/build/target/wildfly-8.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT",
>          "host-config-file" =>
> "/home/claudio/alphaworks/projects/wildfly/build/target/wildfly-8.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT/lab1-dc/configuration/host.xml",
>          "host-controller-address" => "/",
>          "host-controller-port" => 0,
>          "host-name" => "pavlov",
>          "initial-running-mode" => "NORMAL",
>          "is-restart" => false,
>          "modules-dir" =>
> "/home/claudio/alphaworks/projects/wildfly/build/target/wildfly-8.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT/modules",
>          "process-controller-address" => "/",
>          "process-controller-port" => 51798,
>          "qualified-host-name" => "pavlov",
>          "use-cached-dc" => false
>      }
> }
> Looking at the java properties,
> jboss.bind.address = pavlov-0
> jboss.domain.master.address = pavlov-0
> jboss.bind.address.management = pavlov-0
> Does the "host-controller-address" property should be pavlov-0 and
> "host-controller-port" equal to 9999 ?

No. Those values are unrelated to communication by end users. Those are 
the HC-side values for the internal communication between the HC process 
and the ProcessController process that spawned it.

I noticed that some docs re: this are incorrect:


> Also the "qualified-host-name" and "host-name" equals to pavlov-0 ?

Those values are unrelated to bind address settings. They can be set via 
-Djboss.host.name and -Djboss.qualified.host.name. If 
jboss.qualified.host.name is not set, the HC will look for the 
environment variable "HOSTNAME" (on Windows, "COMPUTERNAME"). If not 
set, it will fall back to InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName() and 
if that doesn't work to "unknown-host.unknown-domain". If 
-Djboss.host.name isn't set, the qualified host name value will be used, 
with everything up to and including the first '.' removed.

> Regards

Brian Stansberry
Senior Principal Software Engineer
JBoss by Red Hat

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