[wildfly-dev] Gathering diagnostic data

James Livingston jlivings at redhat.com
Tue Mar 4 19:49:16 EST 2014

On Wed, 2014-02-26 at 06:41 -0600, Brian Stansberry wrote:
> You either need to provide 2 ops, or the details with no fallback, or 
> just the unstructured text. It can't be a single op that provides well 
> structured data except if something goes wrong in which case it provides 
> unstructured text. The metadata for an op describes the structure of the 
> return data, and that description can't be ambiguous.
> I think starting with a just-text op is best and then let your users 
> help drive your roadmap.

Thanks, I'll do that and see what everyone wants to use it for.

To me, the obvious place for these kind of server-specific ops in domain
mode would be under /host=*/server=*/ probably under sub-model since
there could be a non-trivial number of useful operations. Operations
there get routed to the server to execute, but I need code run on the HC

I've seen the HOST_CONTROLLER_ONLY flag which sounds like what I want,
but that doesn't affect /host/server ops. Am I mis-understanding the
flag and that's not what it's for, or should it work?

PrepareStepHandler uses isServerOperation() to direct operations under a
server to the instance without regard for HOST_CONTROLLER_ONLY, and
OperationRouting.determineRouting() only checks the flag if it's not in
that location.

James "Doc" Livingston
JBoss Support Engineering Group

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