[wildfly-dev] AddStepHandler can't add content to overlay

Stan Silvert ssilvert at redhat.com
Mon Oct 13 14:30:11 EDT 2014

I have an AddStepHandler that adds a keycloak server to the management 
model using the "Mixed Approach"[1].  It also needs to add overlay 
content if any new content is available.  The overlay itself already 
exists in standalone.xml.
         <deployment-overlay name="main-auth-server.war-keycloak-overlay">
             <deployment name="main-auth-server.war"/>

I insert this operation in my AddStepHandler:
     "operation" => "add",
     "address" => [
         ("deployment-overlay" => "main-auth-server.war-keycloak-overlay"),
         ("content" => "/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/keycloak-server.json")
     "content" => {"url" => "file:/mydir/keycloak-server.json"},
     "rollback-on-runtime-failure" => false

But at this point in server startup, the overlay's add handler hasn't 
bee called.  So I get
14:09:20,729 ERROR [org.jboss.as.controller.management-operation] 
(ServerService Thread Pool -- 26) JBAS014613: Operation ("add") failed - 
address: ([
     ("deployment-overlay" => "main-auth-server.war-keycloak-overlay"),
     ("content" => "/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/keycloak-server.json")
]) - failure description: "JBAS014766: Resource [(\"deployment-overlay\" 
=> \"main-auth-server.war-keycloak-overlay\")] does not exist; a 
resource at address [
     (\"deployment-overlay\" => \"main-auth-server.war-keycloak-overlay\"),
     (\"content\" => \"/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/keycloak-server.json\")
] cannot be created until all ancestor resources have been added"

At startup, how can I make sure that my "add overlay content" operation 
is executed after "add overlay" is done?

[1] https://developer.jboss.org/wiki/ExtendingAS7

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