[wildfly-dev] Wildfly start-up as service script depends on console log to determinate start result

Chao Wang chaowan at redhat.com
Tue Jun 9 09:59:30 EDT 2015

Hi all,

The Wildfly start-up as service scripts wildfly-init-redhat.sh and 
wildfly-init-debian.sh currently depend on a grep action of key message 
'WFLYSRV0025:' in console log to determinate whether service start is 
successful. The log message indication is accurate, however, it's not 
that robust since user can always remove console handler from logging 
subsystem. I have opened a WFCORE enhancement jira 
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFCORE-747 for it.

For the moment, I have tried three options, they're all not that perfect 
to implement

1. Stay with exact log message, users need to define their jboss log 
directory such as $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/log/server.log for standalone 
and $JBOSS_HOME/domain/log/host-controller.log for domain instead of 
searching in console log. This is more like another workaround since it 
is also volatile once we update log message in future release.(EAP has 

2. Use service pid, this is not precise because a long start-up can 
crash in the last second. It needs to wait a suitable seconds before 
checking pid existence. and still it can not avoid fake success in rare 
case just before timeout.

3. Use read-attribute server-state through CLI connection as I did in 
Pull Request on Jira. This is declined as it is possible that 
authentication is required before connection. In such case, any  non 
encrypted password is not advised in configuration files.

Therefore, I would like to listen for your opinions for them. Any other 
suggestion is certainly welcomed in mail or on jira.

Best regards,

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