[wildfly-dev] strange JMX attribute values for domain servers

Brian Stansberry brian.stansberry at redhat.com
Tue Nov 28 15:44:40 EST 2017

Once a managed server is launched and registers with the HC the 'server'
resources are just proxies to the remote process. To access the attributes
of those resources you'd have to proxy to the remote process, which happens
transparently with WildFly management but which we don't support for JMX.
Probably we shouldn't expose the mbean at all, although that may be easier
said than done.

When the server isn't launched yet there's a kind of non-proxy placeholder
resource for it on the HC  that is the registration point for ops like
start (which is why a resource even exists.) It exposes a few minimal
attributes, which seemed like a minor nice thing to do but I can see how it
can be confusing:

[domain at localhost:9990 server=server-three] ls -l

ATTRIBUTE                   VALUE   TYPE

launch-type                 DOMAIN  STRING

runtime-configuration-state stopped STRING

server-state                STOPPED STRING

It seems a bunch of us have been getting wildfly-dev mails routed to our
spam folders, so apologies if we seem to be ignoring things.

On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 10:41 AM, John Mazzitelli <mazz at redhat.com> wrote:

> I'm seeing strange JMX attributes when looking at domain mode and its
> MBeans.
> In short, if a host wildfly server is up and running, there is no status
> in the "server" MBean but there is status in the "server-config" MBean.
> When the server is down, there is serverStatus in the "server" MBean as
> well as in the "server-config" MBean.
> Running a stock, out-of-box WildFly 11.0.0.Final using "domain.sh":
> 1a. MBean "jboss.as:host=master,server-config=server-one" has attribute
> "status" of value "STARTED".
> 1b. MBean "jboss.as:host=master,server=server-one" has no attributes at
> all - jconsole shows me no attributes for this MBean
> 2a. MBean "jboss.as:host=master,server-config=server-two" has attribute
> "status" of value "STARTED".
> 2b. MBean "jboss.as:host=master,server=server-two" has no attributes at
> all - jconsole shows me no attributes for this MBean
> 3a. MBean "jboss.as:host=master,server-config=server-three" has attribute
> "status" of value "DISABLED".
> 3b. MBean "jboss.as:host=master,server=server-three" interestingly has
> attribute "serverState" of value "STOPPED"
> This doesn't make sense to me. I believe the "server" MBean for a started
> server should have a serverState of values something like "running" or
> "restart-required" or "reload-required". But instead, they don't have any
> attributes at all.
> Thoughts?
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Brian Stansberry
Manager, Senior Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat
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