[wildfly-dev] 12.0.0.CR1 released!

Jason Greene jason.greene at redhat.com
Mon Feb 26 22:32:21 EST 2018

Hi Everyone,

In preparation for WildFly 12 Final, CR1 is now available for build testing:

Provided no blocking issues are discovered we will be releasing Final shortly.

WildFly 12 is the first release in our new quarterly delivery model. The most significant feature is delivery of new EE8 capabilities. As mentioned during the original 12 announcement, we are delivering EE8 functionality incrementally, as opposed to waiting for a big bang. WildFly 12 includes Servlet 4, JAX-RS 2.1, CDI 2.0, Bean Validation 2.0, JSF 2.3, JSON-B, JSON-P 1.1, and Javamail 1.6.

By default WildFly 12 runs in EE7 mode, but you can enable EE8 variants of the standard by starting the server with the special parameter “-Dee8.preview.mode=true”.



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