[Windup-users] Stable version throws NullPointerException, no usable instructions for non-stable version

Lincoln Baxter, III lincolnbaxter at gmail.com
Wed Aug 20 11:47:54 EDT 2014

Hey Steve,

Sorry for the late reply. Your message got caught in our moderation filter
for a while :/ The Windup 2.0.0.Alpha stuff is very work-in-progress. You
are probably better off building the old Windup 1.x branch from the legacy
repo (which I believe includes the fix for the NPE you are running in to.)


We hope to have a preview release of windup 2 out in a few months.


On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 1:10 PM, Steve Cohen <scohen at javactivity.org> wrote:

> I am trying to use windup for an application that should be its main use
> case - porting an application from web logic to Jboss - and find that it
> looks tantalizingly close to usable, but every attempt to use it hits a
> brick wall somewhere or other.
> I've tried with the legacy 0.6.8 downloadable binary.  I am using source
> mode.  On some directories, useful output is produced.  On others, I get
> a null pointer exception:
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
>          at
> org.jboss.windup.interrogator.impl.JavaInterrogator.populateMeta(JavaInterrogator.java:153)
>          at
> org.jboss.windup.interrogator.impl.JavaInterrogator.fileEntryToMeta(JavaInterrogator.java:97)
>          at
> org.jboss.windup.interrogator.impl.JavaInterrogator.fileEntryToMeta(JavaInterrogator.java:43)
>          at
> org.jboss.windup.interrogator.impl.ExtensionInterrogator.processFile(ExtensionInterrogator.java:76)
>          at
> org.jboss.windup.interrogator.DirectoryInterrogationEngine.process(DirectoryInterrogationEngine.java:71)
>          at
> org.jboss.windup.WindupMetaEngine.processSourceDirectory(WindupMetaEngine.java:190)
>          at
> org.jboss.windup.WindupMetaEngine.getArchiveMeta(WindupMetaEngine.java:156)
>          at
> org.jboss.windup.WindupReportEngine.generateReport(WindupReportEngine.java:121)
>          at org.jboss.windup.WindupMain.processInput(WindupMain.java:144)
>          at org.jboss.windup.WindupMain.main(WindupMain.java:71)
>  From the source code I can find, I see that this problem may have been
> addressed (the line number in JavaInterrogator.java in the latest
> versions can't be the site of an exception throw) so I've tried some of
> the other builds that are available.
> I've tried some of the source zips on github.  None of these build.
> There's always some unresolved dependency.
> I've tried a download from the latest source on Github.  This DOES
> build, but how to execute it?  Following the instructions here:
> https://github.com/windup/windup
> I find everything in order until I go to run windup:
> $ ./forge
> Using Forge at /home/scohen/forge-distribution-2.7.2.Final
> Warning: JAVA_HOME environment variable is not set.
>      _____
>     |  ___|__  _ __ __ _  ___
>     | |_ / _ \| `__/ _` |/ _ \  \\
>     |  _| (_) | | | (_| |  __/  //
>     |_|  \___/|_|  \__, |\___|
>                     |___/
> JBoss Forge, version [ 2.7.2.Final ] - JBoss, by Red Hat, Inc. [
> http://forge.jboss.org ]
> [bin]$
> [bin]$ addon-install --groupId org.jboss.windup.legacy.application
> --name legacy-windup --version 2.0.0.Alpha1
> ***SUCCESS*** Addon
> org.jboss.windup.legacy.application:legacy-windup,2.0.0.Alpha1 was
> installed successfully.
> [bin]$
> [bin]$ run-windup-1-x --input ~/vtone/build --output
> ~/vtone/windupreports --packages com.whatever --sourceMode true
> ***ERROR*** Could not run Windup
> How can I figure out what windup is objecting to?  This error message is
> not in the least helpful.
> So my questions is now, for a non-developer of Windup, what version to
> use?  Presumably the stable (or "legacy") version would be the choice
> but what do if exceptions are found there?  Where is the source for the
> downloadable binary on the site?
> If using the unstable bleeding edge versions, where are USABLE
> directions for use that don't lead somewhere, unlike the above?
> Thanks for you help.
> Steve Cohen
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Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."
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