[Windup-users] Windup report generation does not finish

windup-users at lists.jboss.org windup-users at lists.jboss.org
Fri Mar 6 08:45:22 EST 2015

Sure, I'm sorry that you experience this problem with such small application then. We have two options here.

1. You may try older version that will lack some functionality introduced recently, but you will have the result immediately. We however do huge steps each day {emoticon:class=jive_macro jive_emote|src=https://static.jboss.org/developer/|__jive_emoticon_name=happy} The previous versions you may find here: Releases · windup/windup · GitHub  (https://github.com/windup/windup/releases)
2. You may submit new issue (that this definitely is) here: WindUp - JBoss Issue Tracker (https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WINDUP/) (the create button is on the top) along with providing the application and marking the issue as RH internal. I think in order to fix this we will need that application to see what exactly happens here. This will however take few days to reproduce&fix.

Posted by forums
Original post: https://developer.jboss.org/message/920787#920787

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