----- Original Message -----
From: "Douglas Campos" <
To: "AeroGear Developer Mailing List" <
Sent: Monday, November 5, 2012 10:27:27 AM
Subject: Re: [aerogear-dev] JSON Serialization in Android
On Nov 5, 2012, at 10:13 AM, Marko Strukelj wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 3:51 PM, Summers Pittman <
supittma@redhat.com> wrote:
> Right now we have JSON serialization in Android implemented by a default configuration GSON instance.
> I am updating the docs to note this, however it is "only" an implementation detail.
> 1) Do we want to say for 1.x that GSON IS the library we are using? (Yes)
> +1
> 2) Do we want to provide a configuration point for Serialization (GSON if yes to 1, something more general if No)? (Yes, but not for 1.0)
> Yes, I think we should provide pluggability. Maybe even for 1.0 as it seems fairly easy.
> This would cover our current serialization needs:
> public interface Marshaller<T> {
> void String marshal(T obj) throws IOException;
> void List<T> unmarshal(String json) throws IOException;
> }
> With Builder pattern you could specify Marshaller at Pipe creation time i.e.:
> new Pipe.Builder().useMarshaller(Pipe.DEFAULT_MARSHALLER)
> .name("tasks")
> .useClass(Task.class).build().
> Where Pipe.DEFAULT_MARSHALLER == "org.aerogear.android.serialization.impl.GSONMarshaller";
> User has no compile-time dependency on impl detail, and has the ability to plug in something of her own.
> (I noticed Builder vs. Configuration object debate. Will comment more there.)
> 2.1) How much do we want to expose/allow to be configured? (No idea)
> The above pattern doesn't account for any configuration. System properties could be used (ugly). But it can be changed - use MarshallerFactory object instead of Marshaller class name:
> public interface MarshallerFactory {
> Marshaller newMarshaller();
> }
> new Pipe.Builder().useMarshallerFactory(new org.aerogear.android.serialization.GSONMarshallerFactory())
> .name("tasks")
> .build();
> This time GSONMarshallerFactory is part of an API. And user can create any implementation of MarshallerFactory and use it to create and configure a custom Marshaller.
> I think pluggability would be really good to have for version 1.0 already. As it influences the builder / factory patterns. It's the only way to make sure the patterns we use really are pluggable otherwise we may very quickly have to deprecate some of 1.0 API.
> Besides Serialization one aspect of pluggability could be Transport i.e. plug in HttpURLConnection instead of HttpClient.
> - marko
> Relevant Jira:
> Summers
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