On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 4:17 PM, Erik Jan de Wit <edewit@redhat.com> wrote:

Currently we support windows notifications using WNS, this protocol is only supported for windows 8.1 and currently there is a nice community supported library that we use. This is great, but Cordova applications are based on windows 8.0 the protocol (MPNS) is similar but different. There isn’t a supported library so that leaves us with 4 options:

1. Create our own library to support MPNS
2. Support the latest version of this library https://github.com/notnoop/java-mpns

I think 2) sounds reasonable. However since java-mpns is not maintained, we can start building on-top of that (and do changes, e.g. package change, to that fork), so is close to option 1)

I'd like to see us being involved on java-mpns. I know Erik did some work already there.


3. Wait for Cordova to support windows 8.1
4. Don’t support Cordova windows 

What do you like best?

Erik Jan

aerogear-dev mailing list
