I am happy to announce that we have a new release of the AeroGear UnifiedPush Server!
The biggest change we did in this release was applying an update to our RESTful Sender API: We now have one single endpoint to deliver Push Notifications to the supported platforms like Android, iOS and Mozilla's SimplePush. This of course has some impact on the client libraries and we will have the Java Library available on Maven Central shortly, while our latest NodeJS API is already available on npm.
Besides that we added support for JavaEE Bean Validation, added support for WildFly and polished the Admin UI (including an update to Ember 1.0.0). An SSL workaround for our OpenShift cardridge could be remove as well, as the underlying bug was fixed. And other minor things. Below are the enitre release notes for further details!
Now, you can download the�WAR file�and give it a shot!
Have fun!
Release Notes - AeroGear Push - Version 0.8.1
Hi,the WAR file has been staged:I'd appreciate if you give it a shot.NOTE: You need to take care of adding our datasource to the standalone.xml file.We have a CLI that does that for you, details are here:https://github.com/aerogear/aerogear-unifiedpush-server#h2-database-configuration
Matthias Wessendorf
blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
sessions: http://www.slideshare.net/mwessendorf
twitter: http://twitter.com/mwessendorf