Pretty much all the tools including build.phonegap,  cordova's own CLI and our own require the same format for plugins. So once a plugin adheres to the format it should work with all those. 

On Friday, September 27, 2013, Burr Sutter wrote:
If we fork, then we own it :-)

Ideally, it would continue to work with things like Phonegap Build and other tools the Phonegap/Cordova community bring forth.  Does the current plugin benefit from the mainstream Push-as-a-Service vendors?  I am not sure if they participate in the plugin's future feature enhancements - can we keep up or outpace them? 

On Sep 27, 2013, at 8:26 AM, Lucas Holmquist wrote:

On Sep 27, 2013, at 7:36 AM, Kris Borchers <> wrote:

Seems like a good idea to me.

On Sep 27, 2013, at 3:11 AM, Erik Jan de Wit <> wrote:


We have already got some documentation how to use cordova with unified push by using the PushPlugin. But I was thinking about forking it and making our own version I think Matthias had this idea as well. If you look at the PushPlugin now there is a lot of things that are platform specific. For instance to register you should do:

if (device.platform == 'android' || device.platform == 'Android') {
  pushNotification.register(successHandler, errorHandler, {"senderID":"replace_with_sender_id", "ecb":"onNotificationGCM"});
} else {
  pushNotification.register(tokenHandler, errorHandler, {"badge":"true", "sound":"true", "alert":"true", "ecb":"onNotificationAPN"});

Then there are some more platform specific thing that we could remove as well, because we know that you are going to use this together with Unified Push we could make the process of registering a lot easier and create only one register function that works for both platforms:

pushNotification.register(successHandler, errorHandler, {"badge":"true", "sound":"true", "alert":"true", "senderID":"123", "ecb":"onNotification"});

Making it easier for people to get started with cordova and for us less documentation to maintain ;)

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