On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 10:54 AM, Matthias Wessendorf <matzew@apache.org> wrote:

On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 11:55 PM, Andres Galante <agalante@redhat.com> wrote:

Today Lukas, Sebastien help me review UPS new UI.
I also did some usability testing yesterday (over dinner with slightly drunk programmers friends of mine).

Here are the results and a bunch of questions for us to discuss:

- Code snippets need a “copy” btn like http://getbootstrap.com/components/

- Descriptions on apps and variants. Can we just remove them? Are they useful?

yeah, I think we can remove them. Here is a JIRA for it: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AGPUSH-1240

- "Add a variant" form. There is going to be a validation of the form to make sure connections are correctly set up.


- Variants page [1]. If the user has lots of variants set up, the list would be huge. I am working on solutions, Lukas and Sebastien had very good ideas.

- "Send notification" form has the same problem. Lukas suggested a great solution, to use Multiple select boxes https://select2.github.io/examples.html

any details?

Sebi commented on "Send notification" screen that checkboxes are not ideal way to select multiple variants when you have huge number of variants, say 20.

In other to save screen space, we would need to make it scrollable OR put into several columns OR as I suggested, we may use a search selection box with groups per platform and auto-completion, such as "Multiple select boxes" sample on https://select2.github.io/examples.html

- Warnings. Where to show them? How to display them?

I like how they are presented in the current UI

Andres presented us that warnings are shown on the variant screen: http://andresgalante.com/ups-console/app-detail-variants.html

I just wondered when the warning disappears (what's a best approach from UX perspective).
How to make them disappear once the issue is solve?

Not sure.... we keep them, and after 30 days there is a job to delete the warnings. I'd keep them, for tracking that there was a problem a few days ago.

- Delete apps or variants takes a lot of time. there is a JIRA about this.

which one ? 

- Add a progress bar to show progress of notifications been sent.

Isn't that miss leading? We can not guarantee that the message are delivered to the phone.
We just give them to Google/Apple/etc. If they move them to /dev/null - well :-)

I don't remember discussing this, I was talking about design of "progress indicators" in general - if the app is taking any action, the UI should not allow the user to do anything else unless the request is fully processed (which is not true in the 1.0.x) - and ideally show some action indicator - e.g. a spinner. :-)

- Add links to documentation everywhere.

yeah - do we have a JIRA for that ? 

- We talked about adding sorting options on the variants list (by name, or by creation date) but it seems that search would be enough. although there was one tester that asked for sorting options.

+1 for search only. Did you guys create a JIRA for that ? 

- It also come to my attention that the name “Variant” is too general. Every non UPS developer I've shown the console asked me “what are variants” and when I explain, they asked me “Why don’t you find a better name that represent “group of devices”?

It's not just group of devices - it's also per platform. Imagine if there are paid and free versions of an app. That *can* be managed as two variants, on one app. I am open to improvements here 

Lukas mention that a change of wording at this point would be very hard since we have the word “Variant” all over our docs. But maybe for 2.0 we can think of a better way to help the user understand what a Variant is.

+1 - perhaps we can improve the text on the UI ? 

We should be far more descriptive about what "application" and "variant" and "installation" terms means. :-) It is not enough to describe it in the docs. 

Here is the prototype, click around and send feedback :)

I still think the *skip* is too small.

Also, on the wizard, if it should always go to Send (but we had that on a different thread)


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