On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 11:43 AM, Douglas Campos <qmx@qmx.me> wrote:

I've been envisioning a plan for UPS migrations, and would like to get
some feedback from the community, so here it is:

When there are model changes, it's kinda annoying to generate the sql
migration files. This is one of the reasons Erik Jan de Wit started
working to add liquibase to the project, allowing for seamless

I'd like to build upon Erik's initial work and prepare a `ups-migrator`

   `-- <jdbc drivers>
         `-- <liquibase & deps>

This migrator tool can be run with plain `java -jar` and deals with all
the migrations needed up to `VERSION`, which means we would need only
one migrator tool for both 1.0.x and HEAD.

Sounds like a great idea. How do I specify the actual DB that I'd like to touch during the migration? Do I specify (cmd args?) which of the properties is picked up ? 



Thoughts? Comments?

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