
There is existing tooling to generate API reference doc for Android and iOS. I'm thinking we should use that to generate comprehensive API doc for both platforms (and later for Cordova).

I believe this gives the best experience to the <platform> developer, on the basis that, at any one time, they developer is working on a single platform (and typically a colleague is developing the 'other' platform). The disadvantages of this approach include the fact that the appearance of generic docs/android/ios will all be different, but we can put enough navigation into the html to allow users enter and exit this reference without too much pain.

However there is also a requirement to show the cross platform nature of mobile-next, to demonstrate the generic nature of a particular call. I'd like to address this, not in the 'full' API docs, but in examples of typical use cases which might look like


For more information see <link to android ref docs>

For more information see <link to ios ref docs>


Paul Wright
Mobile Docs (github: finp)