On 2014/7/30 1:16 AM, Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
Using the little hack, I am not seeing the pushEndpoint being returned by their server:
Registration messages carry the pushEndpoint, which is supposed to go to the App.
Actual Push Notifications don't have the pushEndpoint. The Client (the bit of SimplePush that the Apps talk to), maps the ChannelID to the App that requested it and fires the event when it gets an update.

Currently, when we do navigator.push.register() the result we send back is an object that includes the pushEndpoint, this is actually changing to be more in line with Mozilla. Instead of the object being sent back, we will send back the pushEndpoint as a String. <--- is a super easy change that sebi already did, just need to re-merge it back in

but in our message handler, our notification that is sent back includes the channelId and version

here is, the JSON I receive w/ the above hack:


I believe the server should now be sending the pushEndpoint in the notification instead.

I'd do it myself, but you know, it's java

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Matthias Wessendorf

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