On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 8:55 PM, Bruno Oliveira <bruno@abstractj.org> wrote:
Are we skipping PL now?

I'm asking, because the PL have already implemented it.

I did it for a few reasons. I thought about using some "extension" of the PL Agent (or a wrapper): Something like "MobileVariantAgent.java"
That would have a variantID (similar to the login name) and a secret, stored as an attribute.

Right now, what I really do is user the variantID and the secret and check if a) variant does exist and master password matches.

For the PicketLink I am also a bit unsure if that here (stealing the session) is bad:

so, I could "login" for variant "123" and have the chance to add "devices" for a different variant 122 (if that exists in the database).

I am very open, to go with the default filter from PL, but the above was my motivation of doing what I did for:
* Sender endpoint
* MobileVariantInstance endpoint



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Matthias Wessendorf

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