
A few weeks ago we discussed JDK version requirements for Pushy library. Matthias had sent a PR [1] and it didn't work.

I analyzed the problem and find a cause: yes, clean Netty's codec-http2 doesn't requires JDK8. But JDK 7 SSL provider does not support the cipher suites recommended by the HTTP2 RFC [2]. We can use JDK 7 only with native OpenSSL as the default TLS provider.
Jon Chambers added JDK 7 build to Travis yesterday [3]. I've added OpenJDK 7 too today [4].

[1] https://github.com/relayrides/pushy/pull/252
[2] http://netty.io/wiki/requirements-for-4.x.html#jdk-ciphers
[3] https://github.com/relayrides/pushy/pull/268
[4] https://github.com/relayrides/pushy/pull/269

Best regards,
Idel Pivnitskiy