I agree on most of the objections, some are just leftovers, but let me react on selected issues:

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 10:10 AM, Matthias Wessendorf <matzew@apache.org> wrote:

# Startpage

* annimation is nice, for the first time, but afterwards it's really annoying
* version? That implies a version of AeroGear, which is not really existing
* I think the current startpage does a better job, listing the supported platforms (*e.g. Android, iOS, Cordova or Windows) -> could we add logos around the device images? 
* clicking the arrow: nothing happens 
* scrolling down, I see "Modules", "cross-platform" and "What is happening". Not sure, but isn't that already a lot on the startpage?

I actually find it useful having it all there - you basically get complete overview of "What is AeroGear" on the start page:
1. mission: "Bringing mobile and enterprise together."
2. modules (features): Core, Security, Push, Sync
3. cross-platform nature: <Platform List>
4. links to News, Upcoming events, etc (shows project activity)

It's all obvious and not necessary for us, but it is definitely useful for newcomers.

When you go to the site repeatedly, you don't actually use start page anymore. The only important information for you is the Navigation.

I think the big "Bringing mobile and enterprise together." is a bit too big, but I am not sure how to make it more useful (in terms of containing actual info). I looks nice, but the arrow is not working, and scrolling down is _not_ obvious

## Modules
I wish this info was more visible. is it possible to do the fancy annimation just once, and afterwards have minimized devices/logos, to get an immediate overview of what AeroGear is offering (the modules)? 

+1 I don't mind how it is now, but the true is that it is a bit unusual for a project site

@Andres what you have some ideas here? We can hangout if handy...

## What's happening
Let's make that an extra tab? 

There already is this extra tab - News.

That page automatically shows latest Activity from News,
and I kinda like it, inspiration from here:


More mails will come  ;-)

On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 4:14 PM, Lukáš Fryč <lukas.fryc@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey guys,

the new site is in baking for a quite some time, but I believe the results are already shaping up. The Big Thanks go to Andres off course!

I must say it is NOT COMPLETE yet, but I believe we can start receiving issues. Especially kind of "we need complete rework of this section" kind of issues ;-)

Please discuss bigger issues right here,
but file any smaller issues under appropriate place in the New Design Epic:

Few bigger issues I identified and that I will need a help with:

1. filling in Core and Security landing pages
2. Guides for First Steps are missing for some platforms (they don't have to be overwhelmingly verbose, but at least we should have some)
3. connected individual's blog to News page (powered by planet.jboss.org, more info on IRC)

Few issues that we still need to tackle - I believe we can cover that with Andres, but help is always welcomed!

1. make News page work javascript-wide (filtering, etc) [me]
2. document how-to + style guide for drafting/posting new posts on aerogear.org [me]
2. style individual Guides
3. style individual Posts
4. HTML structure corrections (e.g. wrong use of HTML tags) [Andres]
5. grammar/typo corrections [Catherine offered help here]

Some features I planned originally will slip from the first release, but the main priority now is get the New Site out!

ETA: the site could be nearly production-ready end of this week.


~ Lukas

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