Hi slackers ! 
These last days I've been playing a lot with scaffolding and I was tired to scaffold each time the same boring application and since I have no personal blog yet I decided to model a simple Blog App and scaffold the code from there.
From the scaffolded code and continue developing the application, trying to add almost all of the features that AeroGear offers us.
Now I have a first version, a very basic blog app but it's working and doing the job. Some of the features : 

- Front End build with AngularJS and Twitter Bootstrap
- You can comment Posts
- Basic security with Role management (an Admin can create post, a simple user can add comments)
- The Backend uses the controller component 

It was really a great experience to use the tools you are building :). I have deployed a version of this blog and even wrote a post (with it's real content showing my aerogear love :) ) : 


You can also fork my Blog App here : 


NB : You will need an "hacked" version of the ag-controller to be able to build the app, you can find it here https://github.com/sebastienblanc/aerogear-controller/tree/AEROGEAR-1006 (there is an PR for this change which should be integrated in the near future) 
