For both Travis and Jenkins we do not have any build in way to know what was changed. 

In Jenkins, one can use "Included Regions". This is how I did it in a private project of mine:

Inline image 1

This means, you can have 5 different plans that use the same repository and the same branch, but you can trigger builds only if something has changed in a subpath.

Anyway, I don't like having a Jenkins instance that is accessible and that is managed by Red Hat employees only. Travis and DockerHub is more independent and fits better to AeroGear. If only there was a way...


On Wed, Jun 21, 2017 at 1:31 PM, Wojciech Trocki <> wrote:
I have done couple investigations for this particular problem. For both Travis and Jenkins we do not have any build in way to know what was changed. 
One of the ways is just to have custom script to diff specific folders and suppress builds in build matrix if there are no changes.
Moving images to own repo will be the easiest solution here.
We done that for all RHMAP core images.



Red Hat Mobile

IM: wtrocki

On Wed, Jun 21, 2017 at 10:59 AM, Leonardo Rossetti <> wrote:

We currently have the following in our digger-jenkins repo[1]:
  • android-sdk docker image (which includes androidctl cli);
  • jenkins android slave image;
  • openshift templates;
  • some osx related scripts;
I wanted to automatically build/push the docker images to dockerhub after a PR is merged but I believe dockerhub has a "per repo" integration, which means that both images would be built/pushed every time we send a pr/commit into this repo.

Does anyone know if we can create a "per folder" integration where it detects Dockerfile changes per folder (if we change android-sdk dockerfile it should only build this image) and not re-build and re-push both images on every commit?

Other options would be:
  • Move those images to their own repo;
  • Create/host a jenkins instance somewhere so we can automate this workflow with custom scripts.





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