On 08/20/2013 08:18 AM, Bruno Oliveira wrote:
If moving to Gradle can give us more autonomy +1

Question: Is possible to deploy the final artficat to maven central?
Yes.  The proposed release would include aar (for Gradle and Android Studio), apklib (for maven), and a jar file (headers for ides to link against, but maven will still compile with the apklib).

Summers Pittman wrote:

In the last release we had some trouble at the end.  People were having 
trouble building aerogear-android because the android-sdk-deployer 
project had a couple of "small" problems. Mainly there was an issue with 
one of the deployers submodules (and it had to be disabled by hand) and 
the deployer itself isn't compatible with maven 3.1.0.  I don't want to 
include in the build instructions for aerogear "download this old 
version of Maven and then edit the pom of this third party project".

The easiest way to remove our dependency on the deployer is to start 
using Google's gradle build system.  The Android SDK has packages for 
deploying the necessary repositories so that our build can consume them 
and we can use the gradle wrapper to keep our users from having to 
install yet more software.

So where does this leave maven?  Unfortuantely it is still necessary to 
build the apklib file (as far as I know), but it won't be necessary to 
actually USE the project anymore.



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