On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 8:59 PM, Lukas Fryc <lfryc@redhat.com> wrote:
Hey Matthias,

that is by design - until MetricCollector detects that all tokens were loaded && all metrics were processed, it rolls back the event from the TriggerMetricCollectionQueue.

It means that it is triggered "in loop" until push message processing completely finishes.

But, if it never finishes completely, you are hitting a bug.

yeah, I was expecting it's in a loop for a reason - but that loop never ends. It stays even after a number of Wildfly reboots. That's what made we wonder :)



~ Lukas

Lukáš Fryč
Software Engineer
Red Hat Mobile | AeroGear.org, FeedHenry.org

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